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Checkra1n 0.12.2 Windows Support New iOS 14.4 Free


Download Checkra1n0 12.2 Windows Support New  iOS 14.4 Free By softwareinjinia

Other Model Support on disable, passcode or hello screen ios 12.4 to 14.4

iPhone 5s

iPhone 6

iPhone 6 plus

iPhone SE

iPhone 7

iPhone 7 plus

iPhone 8

iPhone 8plus

iPhone X

How To use this Tool
1.Download ISO image in on link bellow then extract it 
2.Connect an Empty USB drive with PC (must be 4GB and up)
3.Open Rufus Software Run as Admin make sure your PC internet is on.
4.Now select USB Drive on Rufus to boot and select ISO image of Bootra1n depend on your PC either 64 or 32 be carefully check your OS and Make a Selection and click start.
5.After complete restart you PC and boot to USB drive then follow instruction


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